My Toolbox

Re: Hosting Change

The Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter (AoH) to me is is an approach to facilitation that scales up from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of innovation to address complex challenges.

I am deliberately saying “facilitation” here. I consider the semi-official rebranding as “the art of participatory leadership” to be a disgrace. Those meaningless buzzwords harm the intent, and obscure the purpose of AoH.

Host Leadership is the application of a time-tested metaphor to help build engagement with people – individuals, teams, groups, organizations…

The metaphor of the host does not get better by adding the “leadership” buzzword, though. Which is why I simply ignore it, in my work.

I’m maintaining, a German-speaking website with a quick intro into the matter, and a couple of resources to start your personal journey.

Re: Solution Focus

Solution Focus (SF) is about finding what works; and about spotting useful change and amplifying it. In complex situations, the solution usually does not care what was the problem.

Cynefin is a framework for sense making & decision making that offers different ways to handle situations with different characteristics, at different times. Think of constantly roaming the domains of the clear, complicated, complex, chaotic or confused; and what difference that makes with respect to your journey. While I find Cynefin’s strong focus on complexity very helpful for my work, Cynefin did not originate from SF roots.

Re: Brain-Friendly Facilitation

For want of a better word, I’m using “brain-friendly facilitation” as an umbrella term for facilitation methods that are based on neuroscientific findings.

As of today, the most popular method of the family is Training from the BACK of the Room!