SF Community Calendar List View

This list of events is created automatically from the SF Community Calendar event data feed. All event data is maintained by a community of volunteers that welcomes new contributors!

For the same events in table form, click here.

April 2019

Mon 15th🌐 Deutschsprachige Lösungsheimer
Eine erste Videokonferenz über Zoom für alle deutschsprachigen Lösungsfokussierten, im Nachgang einer Session von Dr. Peter Röhrig während der Solution-Focused Trainers' Conference in Frankfurt. Freundlicherweise gehostet von Kirsten Dierolf auf Zoom.

Wer eingeladen werden möchte, bitte Email an info@solutionsacademy.com
Wed 17thShow in Google map🇬🇧 Solution Focus Meetup - LondonBrief, 7-8 Newbury St, London EC1A 7HU, UK
This is a group for anyone interested in networking with other solution-focused practitioners. We're a mix of therapists, coaches, organisation consultants, trainers, counsellors and others who appreciate the SF approach in work and life.

Our meetings sometimes have a topic chosen in advance, and sometimes the themes emerge from discussions during the session. A typical meeting might be: 6.00: drink buying/gossip 6.30: introductions with each participant describing something going well this month/week/day/hour! 7.00: Topic of session - facilitated discussion on topic or reflecting team on someone's issue or case 8.00 end/more drinks...

We are the London branch of both UKASFP and of SOLworld -  Whatever your level of SF experience, you'll be welcome to join our activities and discussions.

More details here.

May 2019

Fri 3rd to Sat 4thShow in Google map🇨🇭 nla-Tagung "Expedition Lösung"Boldernstrasse 83, 8708 Männedorf, Schweiz
"Ein lösungsfokussiertes Barcamp

Die Vielfalt der Bereiche, in denen Lösungsfokus nützliche und hilfreiche Unterschiede macht, ist beeindruckend. Genau dieser Vielfalt möchten wir an der nla-Tagung 2019 Raum geben. Und weil diese Vielfalt durch die Ressourcen und Ideen der Teilnehmenden erst recht sichtbar wird, laden wir Sie ein, diese Tagung im Format eines Barcamps mitzugestalten und mit uns gemeinsam den Reichtum der Lösungsfokussierung auf der „Expedition Lösung“ zu erforschen."

Details s. hier.
Fri 3rdShow in Google map🇸🇪 Fira Lösningsfokus Världsdagen!Dalarnas län, Schweden
"Den 3 maj firas Lösningsfokus Världsdagen över hela klotet. Södra Dalarnas samordningsförbund arrangerar en rad aktiviteter i Avesta, Hedemora och Säter. Välkommen att delta!"

Please find details here.
Fri 3rdShow in Google map🇳🇿 Solution Focused Approach to Suicide PreventionDunedin Community House, 301 Moray Pl, Dunedin, 9016, Neuseeland
"You are invited to a FREE two hour workshop on how to respond to people with thoughts of suicide. The workshop is presented and led by Emma Burns who is a registered psychologist with the NZ Police.

This workshop is for the general public and anyone else such as front line or mental health staff.

What you will learn. This simple, practical approach has proven successful internationally, helping with addictions, offending, high performance sport, trauma debriefing and recovery, and organisational management, as well as suicide prevention. It is an approach that can be used not only by professional, but also by the general public.
Hosted by Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust

For more details see here. Free tickets here.
Fri 3rd🌐 The SFiO online ‘Coffee Machine Chat’
"It is informal, unplanned and intended to be a fun and energising coffee machine chat with SF friends around the globe, like a break at a SOL conference on a sunny day. Bring along your favourite drink suited to your time of day and take the opportunity to discuss what’s working well in your life (not politics! :), and all matters of SF in organisations. Online hugging is encouraged. This event is open to all, so feel free to invite SF friends and colleagues. Our Best Hope is to see you there!"

Please find more details here.
Fri 3rdShow in Google map🇬🇧 SF Follow Up DayBarmoor Hub, Crawcrook, Ryton NE40 3AZ, Vereinigtes Königreich
"An opportunity for SF practitioners in the NE of England to gather together, share practice, do some SF activities, share food and connect to SF colleagues around the world."

For details, see here.
Fri 3rdShow in Google map🇸🇬 Singapore World SF Day CelebrationSpringleaf Rise, Singapur
"A group of SF practitioners will be coming together on this day to celebrate SF, discuss SF and basically be SF! Welcome any SF-ers to connect with us on that day!"

For details, see here.
Fri 3rdShow in Google map🇧🇪 SF World Day: Samen aan tafel ...Clemenspoort, Overwale 3, 9000 Gent, Belgien"Solution Focus (SF) is een internationaal verspreide methodiek die gebaseerd is op 30 jaar doorgedreven onderzoek naar wat werkt om veerkrachtig verandering aan te gaan. De aanpak richt zich op wat gewenst is (in plaats van het probleem), op het aanwenden van krachtbronnen van de betrokkenen en op het stimuleren van vooruitgang door concrete volgende stappen.

Op de SF World Day willen we met inspirerende voorbeelden van het oplossingsgericht werken op individueel, organisatorisch en maatschappelijk vlak in de verf zetten."

"Het event is gratis ... maar je moet je wel vooraf inschrijven omdat het aantal plaatsen beperkt is. Als je niet komt, laat het ons weten. Wie inschrijft maar niet komt opdagen, vragen we als compensatie 25€ te storten op de rekening van de VVDO (BE85 0688 9472 5906)."

Samen aan tafel ...
Fri 3rdShow in Google map🇳🇱 Small Dutch SFWorldday gatheringKeizersgracht 288, 1016 EW Amsterdam, Niederlande

"We have a small dutch SFWorldday gathering"

Please find more details here.
Fri 3rd🌐 Facebook Live Q&A about SF Practice
"This year the international SF community is celebrating its World Day - Solution Focused World Day which will take place on May 3rd across the Globe (see www.facebook.com/group.....marks for other events). As a Slovenian representative, I shall be hosting a Facebook live, where everyone interested will be able to ask questions, share comments, thoughts, inspiration, etc. in order to together celebrate the approach that has made and continues to make so many differences in so many lives. RSVP :)"

Please find more details here.
Sat 4thShow in Google map🇺🇸 Calling all SFBT folks in the NY areaKungfu Kitchen, 610 8th Ave, New York, NY 10018, USA
www.facebook.com/group.....5164/"Calling all SFBT folks in the NY area. May 3, 2019 at 7PM at Kung-Fu Kitchen-right near the Port Authority Bus Station. Great food. Message me for a get together."

Please find more details here.